
2023 Open Call for Innovative Sanitation and Greywater Technologies

The South African Sanitation Technology Enterprise Programme (SASTEP) is an initiative funded by the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), with the Water Research Commission (WRC) providing programme implementation and support services. The programme aims to foster a local sanitation industry (manufacturing and services) that would increase access to improved sanitation, reduce pollution, improve water security, create economic opportunities – job and contribute to the country’s GDP. The programme is aligned to the National Development Plan, DWS’ National Water and Sanitation Master Plan and the dtic’s Water and Sanitation Industrialization Master Plan

The call is seeking to identify highly innovative sanitation and greywater technologies that meets required criteria (See the Call on WRC Website for more details).It would be advantageous if proposed sanitation technologies meet all or most of the ISO 30500 standard and greywater technologies meet fit for purpose water quality standards. We are looking for technologies that are appropriate for household, communal and commercial buildings, rural, peri-urban, informal and urban settlement types.


The applicant should be able to demonstrate the underlying scientific principles behind the technology, provide the rationale supporting design features, fabrication and implementation costs, operations and maintenance requirements, level of readiness for operation, target location (rural, peri-urban and/or urban), and detail any previous demonstrations or implementation (number of units installed, performance metrics, location, scale, partners, performance outputs) and desire to commercialise and take technology to market.


Applicants should download the questionnaire from the WRC website (The Calls are on WRC Website under Proposals > Research Opportunities > Open and Special Calls, ) Completed questionnaire to be submitted to: by no later than Tuesday, 28th February 2023 by the close of business (16h00). Late applications will not be considered.


Email Submissions:
Queries: Akin Akinsete –